Delicious Green Smoothie

A woman pours a green smoothie from a blender into a glass in a kitchen. Various ingredients and a bag of mango chunks are on the counter.

Just as we believe fitness should be both effective and fun, we believe our food should be both nutritious and delicious. Lucky for us, SHiNE Founder and CEO Kendall Nielson happens to be an expert on all things yummy! We’ve got the scoop on one of her top fresh faves for spring and summer: The simple green smoothie.

Anyone can make a green smoothie, and we’re betting you’ve taken a whirl at it yourself a time or two. Like most creative things though, it doesn’t always go as planned. Kendall says there are three keys to success when it comes to a dreamy smoothie experience:

  1. You’ve got to have a fabulous mixing device to get the right texture. Kendall uses a Vitamix (not an ad!) and says it makes allllll the difference!
  2. Choose a quality liquid base. Water is so blah! Some people love almond milk, a protein shake, or even something fermented. Kendall loves coconut water, so that’s what we’ll be using today. Play with your flavors until you find what you like best!
  3. AVOCADO. This one’s optional, and we know a good number of you just cringed. (You’re wrong though, babe!) Avocado is the key to a creamy, dreamy texture that takes your smoothie a level up from delicious to decadent. Check your local grocery store to see if they have avocado chunks in the freezer section. (Many do!) 

Now that you’ve prepared your three most important components, it’s time to gather the rest of your goodies! All together in your Vitamix (or other fabulous blender):

  • 1 handful of fresh spinach 
  • 10 – 16 oz coconut water (you choose, based on the size of your smoothie & how liquidy you like it)
  • ¾ cup frozen mango
  • 1 frozen banana
  • ½ – 1 full fresh-squeezed lime (to your taste – Kendall likes a whole one!)
  • 1 T orange juice concentrate
  • 1 scoop powdered collagen of your choice
  • a few chunks of frozen avocado (optional)

That’s it! The whole shebang! Just mix that bad boy up until you reach the consistency you like. You can add another splash of coconut water (or other liquid) if it’s too thick for you, or some ice cubes, if you like a more slushy consistency. Don’t be afraid to play around with the ingredients or the process, if you don’t love the outcome on your first try. Just like we say on the dance floor: It gets easier with practice, there’s no such thing as “wrong,” and you do you, boo! Your smoothie, your way. Happy mixing!